
On Sunday, September 10, 2017 I gave a speech at Open Prairie UCC about Spiritual Fruit. Here is a link to that one: Since then I have continued to think about the fruit of a Christian life, and I’ve linked to this speech a few times on social media rather than trying to summarize…

Bearing the Name

It’s Good Friday 2020, and today I’m thinking about one of the Ten Commandments… When Moses freed the people from Egyptian slavery, he led them across the desert to Mount Sinai.It was on this mountain that he met with God, and returned with two tablets that we call “The Ten Commandments”. I’m thinking about the…


This is a letter written to Mainstream Christianity.
I suppose most letters like this are a form of public ranting, so you may be instantly on your guard, anticipating that I’m going to say something negative about mainstream Christianity.
I’m not.
It isn’t that kind of letter.